Opioids can cause severe physical dependence. Once a person is dependent on a substance, he or she cannot function normally without the drug. They may experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, some of which can be life-threatening. A medication-assisted treatment (MAT) or detox program or may be necessary to help a person safely detox.

Congratulations, Ashleigh!

Community health is a non-clinical approach to improving the health of a specific geographic area by addressing the social, environmental, economic, behavioral, and medical factors that impact health, including addiction. These factors are known as social determinants of health and can include:
Access to healthcare
Barriers to rehabs & treatment
Healthy behaviors
Safe neighborhoods
Where people live, work, and play
Food insecurity
Lack of access to community centers
My name is Jeff. This year I turned 29 and I'm blessed to celebrate nine years free off drugs!!! I’m so glad my grandma lived to see the drastic change I made into becoming the man I am today. I have a fantastic career, I’m contemplating BUYING my first house, and I couldn’t be happier with the direction my life is headed! TO ANYONE STRUGGLING WITH ADDICTION, KNOW THAT YOU CAN BEAT IT!!!
What Is An Opioid Addiction?
An opioid addiction is also called a substance use disorder by the healthcare/mental health industry. It is important to point out that there is growing public pressure to stop using the stigmatizing term disorder, which we support
The signs and symptoms of addiction can be physical, behavioral, and psychological. One clear sign of addiction is not being able to stop using opioids. Another sign is if a person is not able to stop using more than the amount prescribed by their doctor. The good news is help is available.
Hi, my name is Heather. I was an addict for 22 years, addicted to anything that would help me smother my emotions. I’ve been to prison, doctor shopped, prostituted my body to get just one more. I was my own worst enemy for a long time killing myself slowly. I am my parents only child and yet they lived in fear of me. I hurt everyone I came in contact with. Today, I’m clean! I have gotten my felonies expunged, and now I work with juveniles in juvenile drug court!
FindTreatment.gov, is a confidential and anonymous resource for persons seeking treatment for mental and substance use conditions in the United States and its territories.
Inspiration Break

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
Is the use of medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a “whole-patient” approach to the treatment of substance use challanges. MAT has proved to be clinically effective and to significantly reduce the need for inpatient detoxification services for these individuals. [Mat Page]
Don’t Let Opiates Control Your Life
Opiates are among the most frequently abuse prescription pain meds prescribed by physicians in America. Taking any medication without a prescription, or taking more than prescribed, or using it for a different reason than prescribed are all forms of misuse. And prescription drug addiction doesn’t discriminate. It affects people of all ages and backgrounds. Learn more facts at: www.samhsa.gov/medications-substance-use-disorders
Wise Words from a Master Addiction Counselor on MAT
Hello there, we invite you to watch this video that covers the pros and cons of medication-assisted treatment for addiction (a guide for loved ones). If you have a loved addicted to opioids you may be wondering if you should support their use of suboxone, Subutex, sublocade or methadone. This video will give you the information you need to make an informed decision.
Virtual Addiction Treatment
Exciting News! In addition to traditional rehab, American's now have the option of virtual addiction treatment. PursueCare, provides online therapy/counseling for individuals impacted by substance use challenges or in need of medication-assisted treatment. Services are delivered through a secure telehealth app and are currently available in 12 states. PursueCare also has its own in-house pharmacy, PursueCareRx, to help manage all patient medications. PursueCare accepts most insurance plans, including Medicaid and MediCare.
We believe this is a game changer for the treatment of addiction and mental health conditions. Colusa County Recovery supports innovation like this and looks forward to PursueCare being available across the nation in the near future.

Personalized Virtual Addiction Treatment
Now Available
We believe in the power of choice! That's why we support PursueCare. This amazing innovator is revolutionizing how individuals receive confidential care, support, and treatment for substance use challenges – all from the comfort of home. PursueCare partners with you to create a personalized plan, supporting your journey to a better life. We invite you to download their app or visit their website, to learn more.
In Nor-Cal
Chico, CA (530) 898-8326
Since its inception in 1993, Skyway House has been a comprehensive provider of substance abuse treatment offering a full continuum of care in order to help individuals achieve full healing and recovery from drug and alcohol addiction.
Residential Treatment
Medical Detoxification
Outpatient Services
Continuing Care program

Aegis Treatment Center
Medication-Assisted Treatment
Chico: (530) 345-3491 Marysville (530) 742-7747
Aegis Treatment Center in Chico is committed to removing all barriers to recovery and transforming individuals, families, and communities with evidence based treatments that works.
Aegai offers an intensive out-patient program (IOP), that treats all types of substance use disorders and behavioral health conditions, including opioid addiction using FDA approved withdrawal medications.
quit opioids, quit opioids, medication-assisted treatment, MAT, opioid addiction, recovery from opioids, stop using heroin, heroin addiction, substance abuse disorder (SUD), substance use disorder (SUD), Colusa County Recovery, Colusa County Recovery, Colusa County Recovery, Colusa County Recovery, Detox, Help, medication-assisted treatment, MAT
Cache Creek Lodge
Hummingbird Hollow
Cache Creek Lodge is located in the city of Woodland and offers a 40-bed residential substance abuse program that utilizes a social model based on the 12-step program and addresses a client's comprehensive needs. Clients receive individual and group counseling, relapse prevention training, criminal awareness and addictive thinking classes (facilitator lead), behavioral therapy, financial literacy, employment training, temporary housing, recreational activities; and assistance accessing public and community-based health and social services.
Call: (530) 662-5727
Woodland, Calif.

Drug Rehab, Medically Managed Detox and Dual-Diagnosis
Chico Recovery Center offers access to personalized Drug Rehab, Medically Managed Detox and Dual-Diagnosis residential treatment and intensive outpatient treatment for individuals, families and professionals. They use an approach that is highly individualized with an array of options customized in a treatment plan specifically for the client or a loved one. Chico Recovery Center's mission is to help their clients attain their full potential.
Call 899-654-2400
Chico, Calif.
Recovery & Treatment Center
Fair Oaks Recovery Center in Sacramento provides a safe, supportive environment where clients can develop a solid foundation for recovery. For those seeking help with substance use disorder, Fair Oaks Recovery Center provides 24/7 care from experienced addiction and mental health professionals to help heal the mind, body, and spirit.
Residential Treatment
Medical Detox
Outpatient Services
Continuing Care program
Call (888) 209-4742
Sacramento, Calif.

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