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September is: National Recovery Month

Join Colusa County Recovery (CCR) in recognizing September as National Recovery Month; a national observance held every September to support new treatments and recovery practices, to recognize strong and diverse recovery communities, and the dedication of service providers, community organizations, local churches, peers with lived life experience, and the families, and friends, who act as support allies, and make recovery in all its forms possible, for so many of us. THANK YOU, for helping us to heal, grow, and thrive!

CCR  also celebrates the amazing gains made by courageous individuals in recovery who are choosing to imagine a life not dependent on drugs or alcohol. Congratulations! We are excited for you and support you.

 If you are NEW TO RECOVERY, we invite you to watch our short introductory video. It's designed to inspire and guide you as you embark on this transformative path of healing and self-discovery.

National Recovery Month - Colusa County Recovery


(Colusa County Recovery) - Addiction recovery is a challenging process that requires a lot of hard work and determination. One key ingredient for success is having a strong support system in place. Support can come in many forms, including friends, family, peers, and support groups.

Congratulations, Ashleigh on over 4 years drug and alcohol free!!!

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Recovery Ambassador 
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Ashleigh got clean on the screen, and is one of our favorite virtual recovery ambassadors. Ashleigh is very active in her recovery. She attends meetings regularly online, and gives back by hosting meetings, and reaching out to newcomers. Ashleigh is engaged to a first responder, and is the proud mama of three adorable furballs; a cat and two dogs, who are all best friends :-) 

24 Years In Recovery
Proof Recovery Works



My name is Darren, and I am a person in long-term recovery. I have been in recovery for 24 years! I couldn’t have imagined that when I was new. Now I can’t imagine not being in recovery. What a gift this has been for me and my family.

There have been ups and downs, however, I would not have gotten through them, if not for being in recovery. I have wonderful friends, who are also in recovery. I can laugh and enjoy myself without a mood-altering substance.

I am able to look at myself every day, and be proud of who I am, and my accomplishments, and be humble too.


Recovery works. I am proof of that, and it didn’t hurt a bit! 

Colusa County Recovery
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Want to see more, before and after photos? Click here

Meet Recovery Ambassador

Hey there! I'm an alcoholic. Took me a while to come to terms with that, to see I had a problem. I've been sober for 838 days! I used alcohol as my medicine to deal with everything I've seen as a firefighter/EMT for 20 years. My time as a correctional officer, and the pain of my failed marriages and relationships. What I thought was helping, was really hurting me physically and mentally.

When I quit, I was drinking a fifth and a pint of vodka every night. Ending up most nights crying wishing I could give it up. It was my best friend, and my worst enemy wrapped up in one.

Thank God I got cellulitis in my leg. I went to the ER for that. The admitting doctor saw the shakes, and asked how much I really drank. I told her, and she put me on withdrawal meds. An addiction counselor who himself had been sober for 15 years came and talked to me. That was my rock bottom. The push I needed to quit. I was in there for 5 days on withdrawal meds most of the time. Been sober ever since.

I'm sharing my recovery story because if you're trying to get sober, or thinking about it?  There is hope. Reach out! 

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“The first picture is of me in full blown meth and heroin/fentanyl addiction. Yes, I know the picture is raw and gross but this is REAL ADDICTION. A daily look of me at my lowest. Today, I celebrate 9 months clean and sober . Today, I can wake up every morning and I don’t have to worry about how I’m going to make it through the day. Today, I don’t have to worry about if I’m going to end up in jail. Today, I’m holding down a full time job without missing work. Today, I’m living on my own for the first time in my life. Today, I’m beyond happy with my life and don’t want to die every day. Today, I don’t cry all day every day. HAPPY 9 MONTHS TO ME!”                                                            source: FB Group



I spent 20 years in a dark place using meth, destroying every relationship I ever had. Took me spending 2 years of my life in prison to see the right path. Thank you mom for always believing I had it in me!!!! You'll always be missed!!! 34 years sober when you passed, I will hit that mark!!!

2 years and 1 month today (8/25).                        


Image by Dim Hou

We Do Recover

"You are more than your circumstances. You are your possibilities."

Susan Wagenaar
Founder, CCR

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