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Dedicated to changing
the landscape of addiction
one recovery at a time

Colusa County Recovery was founded on the principles of compassion, inclusion, diversity and respect.


We know from our own personal experiences that the therapeutic value of one addict helping another is unparalleled and paramount to maintaining our own individual recovery and continued freedom from active addiction.


Everyone is welcome at CCR, no matter how far down the scale they have fallen, we are here to help.


CCR has no dues or fees, we are 100% community sponsored.  All resources, meetings and referrals are free to anyone struggling with an addiction or seeking to maintain a drug free lifestyle. 


To support our vision of a healthier, more resilient and safer community model: 

Please contact Susan at



Although not  directly affiliated with any 12 step program, rehab facility, mental health institution or faith-based organization; CCR recognizes and honors their infinite value, impact and contributions to communities, their families and individuals in recovery.  CCR is dedicated to changing the landscape of addiction, one recovery at a time.

Family Portrait
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